Wednesday, December 14, 2011

.:Shake the Dust:. (wake up)


This is for the gansters.
The bling ain't everything.
Wake Up.
This is for Paris Hilton.
Just cause you got money. You don't own everyone.
Wake up.
This is for Tiger Woods.
You cheated on your wife. And she's gorgeous.
Wake up.
This is for Michael Vick.
You can't just use dogs like that.
Wake up.
This is for Chase Hansen.
You're the best football player round.
Back to sleep.


I forget a lot of things...
I forget the important things mostly...
I always forget to say thank you to my family.
They always do what I say because I am the oldest child at home.
And I don't even say thank you.
I mean sometimes I do.
But probably only 34% of the time.
I'm a terrible person.

I'm a terrible person???????

No, no, no.

Adolf Hitler was a terrible person.

Joseph Stalin was a terrible person.

Mao Zedong was a terrbile person.

People in the documentary The Cove are terrible people.

I'm fine. Maybe I shouldn't tell them to do so much so I won't have to say thank you so much.

Hopefully when my older brother comes home they won't listen to me as much.